The Gem Island Journal
The Debate between Live Journals and Dead Journals make me laugh. Thus I decided to have the most original idea in the world, WHY NOT JUST HOST MY OWN JOURNAL AT MY OWN SITE! :P
Im posting this from late at night o.o, this is the first entry, and its looking pretty good, I have never worked on sites this long, once I stayed up till 12, but never 3 AM @.@, well just recently I got to Win2K, so im off WinME, I have 20 More Gigs of space, most of my things are un/reinstalled, and I have a bigger RAM, its a bit confusing having all my old files in a seperate Hard Drive, but its ok. I was just scripting in IRC, and testing it out in #srb2 on Mysteria, its great, I learned how to do stuff I never thought Id learn (but wished I did). I'm also currently using Dreamweaver, Flash, Paint Shop Pro 7 and Fireworks to make stuff for this site, and ill be taking classes for Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and flash in November. YAY :) *gets shot by Notepad Supporters and Anti Easy Site makers* x.x
Mood - Pretty Good
Listening To - NothingComment? YOU CAN'T!
Friends - Friends? What are Friends?